Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Today is sort of a blur!! Busy busy. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday! Although this weekend is going to be a busy one.

I had Primary Leadership training tonight and it was on putting first things first. It was good. And after I found out that Kaboom is building a park by our house and we can volunteer to help build it. Pretty cool! It is May 28th.

We fed the missionaries tonight. And I didn't get to have any of the strawberry shortcake. That was a bummer, but I am glad I didn't.

They had refreshments at the leadership meeting, and I almost ate a cracker before I realized it was after 8pm.

All in all it was a pretty okay day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better though.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009

How is it that the second I sit down at the computer time moves about four times faster!

Today was such a blur. It started off okay. I knew I wasn't going to go to the gym because both of the girls weren't feeling well, but I got in my work out clothes anyway. I took The Boy to school and headed home to to Taebo. Toots danced along for a few minutes and then decided she had had enough of Billy Blanks, so she kept turning the channel. So fun. Gotta love being 18 months old.

So after about 20 minutes I decided to go outside and do some yard work. Trimmed the bushes and pulled weeds. So fun.

It all went down hill from there. I got everything in today, but I just couldn't get myself motivated. I think I spent two hours sitting on my butt in front of the computer. I hate when I let that happen.

Lou ended up going to school and Toots took a good nap, so I got a few things done. But I was so unmotivated to make dinner because I wasn't hungry. I finally decided on breakfast and we had eggs and pancakes. (real maple syrup so no sugar! ;D)

I am hoping to get to bed and get a good night sleep so that I can wake up early tomorrow and do Taebo BEFORE Toots wakes up, since I don't think we will be going to the gym tomorrow either.

There are only 16 more school days until summer vacation (22 more days) and I cannot wait. I love having a fun and relaxing schedule with my kids. Lots of swimming at Grandma's this summer!

The Boy turns 8 in 5 days. I really need to get on that! Haven't planned the party or thought about gifts. His baptism is on the 9th, so I need to get ready for that too!! Tomorrow we feed the missionaries and after that I am moving into The Boy party planning mode!

Hubby is sick AGAIN! They actually sent a guy he works with home because his roommate was just in Mexico and they are worried about the Swine Flu. So fun. They closed a school down right by his work too. That is just crazy!

I think that is about it. I did really well today. There was actually a time today when I knew that I would normally do a soda run and didn't have the desire to do it. That was pretty great. And except for the box of 54 Rice Krispy Treats that are taunting me in pantry the sugar thing is getting a lot easier too. I didn't even almost taste the whipped cream tonight. I am always having to catch myself from almost tasting things when making dinner/dessert. Especially this weekend since it was Hubby's birthday.

I just heard Hubby sneeze outside, so he must be home from his Bishopric meeting. Off to bed I go.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Tonight The Boy had a baseball game and we had snacks. Rice Krispy treats. I wanted one SO BAD!! But I used my free day yesterday for FHE. We did a special baptism FHE for Drew and since I had done a really cruddy job with my food yesterday (I still ate my fruits and veggies and stayed away from sugar...but we made homemade rolls and I ate almost an entire pan! YUCK!) I thought I would take the day. I still worked out. Still drank my water and read my scriptures. Did everything except the sugar point and that feels good. I will be sad on Sunday when I have to work out though!!

Back to the baseball game!I didn't eat the Rice Krispy Treat and I am really proud of myself. This is the first time in a long long as I can remember, that I have actually beat my cravings. Told myself no and actually LISTENED! It feels good.

I have taken a little time off from the OT to read the Book of Mormon. I am reading 3 Nephi right now. We are reading the Old Testament with the kids, so I thought I would read something new.

Jon is sick again. We really need to figure out what is up with his immune system. He has been sick SO MUCH this year. I think he needs to start doing the point system with me. No sugar will help. And so will the fruits and veggies.

Okay, back to the game again! The Boy did SO GOOD! Their team did so well. We were playing the Rangers. The last time we played the Rangers they beat us 17 to 3. Tonight they won by 3. It was such a good game. I am so proud of the boys.

Toots is getting new teeth, so she hasn't been sleeping well, but I think things are getting better. She slept pretty well last night. Of course that means Lou La had bad dreams and slept in my bed. One day I will get a good night sleep again!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Last week I was called to be the Primary chorister and today was my first week doing music time. It went pretty well and I like the calling. Hopefully this one will stick around for a bit. Or maybe not. This is my fourth calling in 4 months. I was released from Cub Scouts and put in as a Primary teacher over the CTR 8 (The Boy's class). That was fun and I really like the class, but it only lasted a couple of months. I was then called to be the Primary Secretary, which I have never done before and really enjoyed. But that lasted only a few months as well and then I got this calling.

Toots has been going into nursery (early) for about 4 weeks now and of course this was the first week she had to be brought in to me because she was crying uncontrollably. She was SO tired! Poor girl.

The Home Teachers came, but I stayed in my room and took a nap with Toots. We both needed it!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

So today I planned on using my free day. The get all 10 points day. And it was pretty wasted! :P

I got my sleep, I went to the gym, I drank my water, I ate my fruits and veggies, I praised my spouse, didn't eat after dinner, I read my scriptures and I am writing a journal entry.

I did eat sugar and I did have a soda. But not even a lot of soda. I used this as my day because we celebrated Hubby's birthday and I was going to enjoy whatever yummy dessert he got from The Keg...and then HE DIDN'T GET ONE!! But I had already had some chocolate chips this morning in my pancakes, so that blew that boat. So I drank some soda at the movie. If I was going to use my free day I should get SOMETHING out of it! And now tomorrow I won't get to eat the birthday cake I made for him. :P

But We had a great day. We had pancakes with chocolate ganache, strawberries and whipped cream. We went to the Salsa Festival at Tempe Beach Park and the kids played laser tag. Toots stayed home with Kait. Then we went out to dinner at The Keg and a movie (State of something...can't remember!)

We had a great night and now I am off to bed because I get to start my new calling tomorrow. Primary Chorister! And I didn't get anything ready for church tonight so I have to get up early!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

I am tired! It was a long busy day. Carpool both ways, picking up Lou, having a neighbor over to play, cleaning the house, a game and dinner with my parents. I didn't get nearly enough done but I feel like I have been hit by a truck.

7 hours of sleep - check

Drink 48 oz of water - check

45 minutes of exercise - check (tredmill for 35 minutes, and 30 more minutes of gym stuff)

Eat 2 servings of fruit and 2 servings of veggies - (apple, cranberries, apples, spinach and more spinach)

No Soda, unhealthy snacks, or fast food - check)

No sugar - check...even though we went out to dinner to celebrate my Dad and Hubby's birthdays and the kids ate ice cream sundaes and the adults had the most amazing looking brownie with fudge, butterscotch, almonds, and ice cream on top. I-didn't-have-one-bite. I was actually pretty amazed at not wanting a bite...surprised by my will power at least. It really made me think about why I was doing this.

No eating after dinner/8pm - check. Although dinner was almost AT 8pm! We had The Boys game tonight (my parents came to watch) and then we went to Charlestons. And then Charlestons was SUPER slow! And I wasn't very impressed by my steak at all.

Read scriptures for 15 minutes - check...almost out of Exodus.

Write a journal entry - this is it!)

Express sincere appreciation or praise to your spouse - I still have 2 hours to get this done, but I will!

And with that I am going to bed!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Check Check


April 23, 2009

I am not sure if today was better or not. I didn't have a headache. THAT was a good thing. Not sure if it was me finally getting used to no sugar and no caffeine or the Zyrtec and Tylenol I took this morning. But I did make it through the day without a wanting to poke my eyeballs out. SO that is a good thing.

Of course, the repercussions of 3 days of feeling like crap all surfaced today. The kids were all in their own funks. Made worse by The Boy not feeling good and Toots falling head first out of her crip this morning. Time to move the mattress down.

I didn't go to sleep as early and didn't sleep as well, but managed to get 7 (sort of) hours in today and then took a nap with Toots today for another 90 minutes. Again, not great sleep, but sleep.

Water wasn't a problem because I have been thirsty as all get out today. The heat will keep me drinking and I refuse to turn on my AC before May. REFUSE!

No soda. And without the headache I didn't really want one. So that is good.

Carrots, spinach, snap peas, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. Lunch, Dinner and snacks.

No sugar. I even braved Mojos. They have one sugar free flavor. Skinny Wild Blueberry. It isn't worth the calories. The kids and Hubby ate and played in the water, so it was worth the trip.

Read more in the OT. I know there is so much more I should be getting from it. Today just wasn't the day to get it.

The gym was good this morning. 30 minutes on the treadmill and then 30 minutes doing my usual workout for my arms/legs/abs. Plus walking to and from Lou's school.

Being appreciative of a husband who has been super supportive and helpful while his wife has been cranky has been easy. He really has been great. Helping with the kids. Giving words of encouragement. Not staring at me like I have two heads. I love him.

It is 7:41 and I am not hungry, so not eating after 8pm shouldn't be a problem.

And I think that is all 10. The Office starts in 10 minutes and I could really use a good laugh before going to sleep. I hope I can stay awake!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Almost Done

The night isn't over yet, although I am tired enough to go to bed right now! We are off to The Boys concert and when we get home it will be bed time. There won't be any food or soda, so I feel pretty safe saying that I will make it to bed time without losing these three points.

More than 2

Bananas, strawberries, pineapple, snap peas, carrots and spinach.



More OT today.

Love the notes in the lunches

Done! :D

Like I said...

...this isn't going to be a problem.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I really need these headaches to go away. It has made for a hard couple of days. Tonight I am taking the three kids to The Boys Spring Sing for school. Hubby has a Bishopbric meeting, so it is just me. And I am hoping that I can do it.

Today I found out that the neighbors we carpool with have a second round of chicken pox. I am hoping that the vaccines REALLY work because I don't want The Boy to have chicken pox the weekend of his baptism. Or any of the girls for that matter. Here is to hoping!

Toots has been as cranky and tired as I have, and hasn't eaten in about a week. I am wondering if my tiredness and headache are from something other than the change in diet. Either way I am hoping I can fight it off soon.

Saturday is Hubby's birthday. His mom is going to watch the kids so that we can go out to dinner. I am really looking forward to it. Quiet. No kids. Just us. I need that this week.

1 hr 10 minutes

An hour at the gym

15 on the treadmill (1.5 miles)
15 minutes on the elliptical (1.75 miles)
10 on the bike (3.5 miles)
30 minutes of stretching/chin dip/pilates

Sweet Dreams

Done. I even dreamed I was drinking a soda.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Just Say No

I am especially proud of this one because

1 - there is a Diet Coke AND a Diet Dr. Pepper in the fridge
2 - I had a headache all afternoon and I know this would have made me feel better
3 - It's my favorite

But technically to drink the real thing would knock out a point for the soda and a point for the sugar. No way I am giving up 2 points!!

Nothing but water after 8pm. Actually after 6:30.

Thanks to some sugar free pudding and pickles I did okay today.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Today was better. I still slowed down quite a bit and got a headache around 3pm, but I didn't drag like yesterday, so it is getting better.

The Boy had a game tonight and got a hit that didn't result in an out for the first time. It almost did though. Luckily tie goes to the runner! In the car on the way home he said it makes him happy when he gets a hit. He is such a sweet boy! The way he landed on home plate was almost a ballet move. But with more excitement!

Lou La is going to school early on Tuesdays and Thursdays to get some extra work on her reading. The Boy was very concerned that she was getting tutoring, but this is good tutoring. At the end of Early Learners they make a recommendation to send the students to K or 1st. Mrs. Davis takes the kids she thinks are ready for first and works with them on their reading. It is only Lou and one other girl. Lou will be going to K next year no matter what though. She need to learn her phonograms! Gotta love Spalding!

I am going to watch last nights episode of 24 and then get to bed. Hopefully tomorrow we can avoid the headache altogether. Here's to hoping!
I write notes in my boys and put them in their lunches everyday. Usually just a quick note. An I love you or a reminder about a game later. Well wishes if there is a big test or presentation. That sort of stuff. But it is also a good place to show my appreciation to them both. I have two really great boys. A son that is so loving and caring of his sisters and who ALWAYS thanks me for dinner and tells me I am the best.

And he learned it from his Dad. I am so grateful to have a husband that loves me and our family, but who also enjoys being with us. Sets a good example for my children. Who would rather be with us than anywhere else in the world. Not camping or at a ball game or on a private island somewhere. He just loves to be with us. And he tells us and shows us and we know. And we love him.

After the celery debacle yesterday I made sure to eat my fruits and veggies by lunch! Strawberry, carrots, snap peas and an apple.

I wonder if pickles count? Technically it is a cucumber. A very salty cucumber! I had two slices of those too!
Gym today. Got there a little late, so only got 45 minutes in instead of an hour. 30 on the treadmill today and over 2 miles, so that was good.

Face to Face

11 And the Lord aspake unto Moses bface to face, as a man cspeaketh unto his dfriend

Last night I slept really well. Went to bed about 9:30 and got to sleep until 6am! Toots only woke up once and actually slept in past 5:30.


I think I am on bottle number 5 already today. So that would make like 84 oz.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

This morning started out really great. Everyone was ready for the day, got packages ready to ship, took the kids to school. Went to the gym, returned movies, and went to the post office. Folded laundry, got Lou ready for school. Toots took an early nap. Took Lou to school and then it went downhill fast. I think my blood sugar crashed. I got really tired and tried to get Toots to take a second nap (since her first one was early and short). I read my scriptures and she climbed all over me. So we moved out to the couch where I could nap and she could watch TV on my lap. And an hour later when it was time to pick Lou up I was exhausted.

Piano, dinner, FHE. I am ready for bed.

I am hoping that tomorrow is more like the morning and not at all like the afternoon.

I feel good though and am glad that I got all 10 points today.

Soda, french fries, and potato chips

No soda. No unhealthy snacks. No fast food. Check. Check. Check.

Ah Sugar

I caught myself almost eating Lou La's M&Ms about ten times. I finally put them away so that they weren't sitting out on the counter. Besides that it was easy, except for the FHE treat. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out what we could have as a family that wouldn't have sugar.
Sugar Snap Peas, an Apple, and Strawberries check. And celery, just by the hair of my chin.

After Dinner or 8pm

This one should have been easy, but I almost blew it! I am not much of a night least not on the weekdays. The weekends are a whole different story. But at 7:49 I realized that I never ate my second veggie for the day. I planned to eat it after lunch, but took a nap instead! So although it was after dinner, it was before 8pm. And since it was a serving of vegetables I am going to count that as not really eating after dinner. It definitely wasn't anything fun! And it was before 8pm. I am going to aim for after dinner tomorrow.
Tonight Hubby was in charge of FHE. The Boy is getting baptized in a few weeks, so he put together a lesson about baptism. We sang baptism songs, read scriptures, had an object lesson (water/red food coloring/bleach) about sin, practiced being baptized (the dunking). And a sugar free snack for me!

He did such a great job putting it together and I am always so grateful for a husband that loves the gospel and loves his family and takes the time to show us not only in words but in actions.

Exodus 32

I have been reading in the Old Testament lately and today read about Aaron and the golden calf. I was trying to read while Toots was crawling all over me, but one verse caught my eye:

12 Wherefore should the aEgyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, band crepent of this evil against thy people
Upon reading it I immediately knew the words were wrong. I first went back to make sure I had read it correctly. Then read the preceding verses again to make sure it was Moses talking and not God. But once I had confirmed that it was indeed the words of Moses I knew that it wasn't correct.

I looked down in the notes and sure enough there was a Joseph Smith Translation that read:

JST Ex. 32: 12 . . . Turn from thy fierce wrath. Thy people will repent of this evil; therefore come thou not out against them.
That makes so much more sense. And it made me thankful. Thankful for the scriptures that we have. Thankful that we have the words as they were written so that we can see for ourselves and decide for ourselves, and that in addition to the words of the scriptures we have Prophets to lead us and guide us and to help us understand.

10 am

It is only 10am and I have had 50.7 oz of water. (3 bottles)

1 before the gym, one during and one after while eating my morning snack of sugar snap peas.

The water part of this shouldn't be a problem.

Back to the Gym

I went to the gym today after dropping The Boy off at school. It was harder than I expected it to be this morning. Not working out last week because of all the sick kids, plus not feeling 100% myself (which is hopefully just allergies) made for a long hour.

15 minutes on the treadmill, 1 mile

15 minutes on the Elliptical, level 10

30 minutes stretching, some stuff from Jessica's class and using the Chin/Dip machine.


It is a good thing I hit the sack at 9pm, because Toots woke up bright and early at 5am. (She is already napping today). I tried to get her to lay down with me and go back to sleep, but after about 30 minutes of trying we got up and had breakfast.

I think she has been waking up early because she is hungry. She still hasn't eaten well since being sick last week. Maybe I will get two naps out of her.

At least I got my 8 hours for today!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


It is 8:42pm and I am getting ready to hit the sack. If I get in bed by 9 I can wake up at 5am and have gotten my required 8 hours of sleep. Who knows. If Toots sleeps in then I might actually get 10 hours of sleep.


It starts tomorrow.

Daily Habits

Each item is worth 1 point, with a possible 10 points per day

1 8 hours of sleep (not necessarily consecutive)

2 48 oz. water

3 45 minutes of exercise (not necessarily consecutive)

4 2 servings of veggies, 2 servings of fruit

5 No soda, beer, wine, unhealthy snacks, or bad fast food [anything FRIED]

6 No sweets [candy, desserts, pastries and sugary snacks & cereals] *sugar-free alternatives in moderation are ok

7 No eating after dinner/8pm

8 15 minutes of scripture reading (or other spiritual text if you don't do scripture)

9 One journal entry (any length)

10 Express sincere appreciation or praise to your spouse (if single, to another person)

Note: You have one free day a week, of your choice, where all 10 points will be given.


You are excused from the sweet rule on YOUR BIRTHDAY.

You are allowed three sick days where you are excused from exercising and eating veg/fruit/water [if you can’t eat/drink] This is ONLY to be used if you are indeed sick.


All scoring is "on your honor." Please update the shared Google spreadsheet each day, or week with your points. We will send you this after you have paid $20 into a paypal account (we are setting this up).

There are two categories of winners:

1. The three resolutionaries with the most points will equally divide 80% of the cash in the Challenge Fund. For example, if there is $500 in the kitty, $400 will be allocated amongst the three players with the most points.

2. All participants with more than 505 points, or 60% of the available points. Because the Resolutionary Challenge is partly about getting the most points, but mostly about process, any person who gets an average of 6 points or better per day, will have won, and will be eligible for a random giveaway which will be funded by the remaining 20% in the Challenge Fund.

And in case I need it, this is a link to Sara's blog.